Meet the experts

Learn more about the subject matter experts within the business.

Ciaran Martin

Ciaran Martin

Special Advisor

Founder and former CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

Ivan Ristic

Chief Scientist

Red Sift’s Chief Scientist, Hardenize founder, SSL Labs creator, and acclaimed security author.

Mike Hedger


Chairman at Red Sift, former Chairman of internet security company AVG and email management company Mimecast.

Michel Van der Bel

Michel van der Bel

Non-Executive Director

Non-Executive Director at Red Sift and former CEO of Microsoft UK.

Homaira Akbari

Homaira Akbari

Special Advisor

Award-winning thought leader, founder of AKnowledge Partners, and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

Gary McGraw

Special Advisor

Co-founder of the Berryville Institute of Machine Learning and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

John N. Stewart

Special Advisor

Former SVP/CSTO at Cisco, Angel Investor at Talons Ventures, and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

John R. Levine

Special Advisor

Author of The Internet For Dummies, Consultant, and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

Mark McGovern

Special Advisor

Former engineer for the CIA, former VP of Technology at In-Q-Tel, and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

Sean Costigan

Managing Director, Resilience Strategy

Expert in emerging security challenges and lead for NATO’s cybersecurity curriculum.

Brad Arkin

Special Advisor

SVP and Chief Security and Trust Officer at Cisco, and Special Advisor to Red Sift.

Markus Schumacher

Special Advisor

Software security expert, author, and Special Advisor to Red Sift.