Red Sift and Pax8: Creating new MSP revenue streams through best-in-class cybersecurity solutions

As an official member of the Pax8 marketplace, Red Sift brings MSPs unprecedented access to a unified, scalable platform of cyber solutions that keep bad actors at bay, drive efficiency, and help your end customers focus on delivering core business goals and results.

Why partner with Red Sift and Pax8

By partnering with Red Sift and Pax8, MSPs can proactively enhance the security posture of every end customer while unlocking new streams of managed service and remediation revenue.

The Red Sift portfolio delivers AI-driven, real-time automation for the discovery and management of DMARC (including DKIM, SPF, MTA-STS, and BIMI), certificate configuration and remediation, and brand impersonation detection and monitoring.

Create new cybersecurity revenue streams

Gain access to a diversified suite of interoperable cybersecurity applications that protect organizations from the inbox to the network perimeter.

Benefit from unparalleled support

Full training, certifications, centralized purchasing, and provisioning of the Red Sift solutions are included as standard, as well as customizable GTM presentations, demos, and other materials.

Help end users stay compliant with evolving rules & regulations

Comply with and adapt to new regulations and market threats, including PCI-DSS 4.0, Yahoo and Google's bulk sender requirements, SubDomailing attacks, and more.

The Red Sift portfolio

Interoperable cybersecurity applications

Apps loved and trusted by 1,000+ organizations to protect your infrastructure, domains and email are brought together, sharing insights and learning across the Red Sift Pulse Platform.

Protect against phishing and BEC attacks with Red Sift OnDMARC

Award-winning, cloud-based DMARC, DKIM and SPF configuration and management.

Learn more about OnDMARC

Protect against phishing and BEC attacks with Red Sift OnDMARC

Award-winning, cloud-based DMARC, DKIM and SPF configuration and management.

Learn more about OnDMARC

Security accreditations

Microsoft Intelligent Security Association
Crown Commerical Service Supplier
European Cyber Security Organisation Badge

Useful resources

datasheet iconDatasheet

The Red Sift Pulse Platform Datasheet


Your guide to the SubdoMailing campaign

datasheet iconDatasheet

The Red Sift Pulse Platform Datasheet