2024 guide to mastering Google and Yahoo’s bulk email sender requirements
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What are the requirements?

The requirements cover three core areas. In the table below, we’ll break down each area and its specific requirements (including sub-requirements), starting with the meatiest, most time-consuming requirement – email authentication.

Please note that these requirements will need to be put in place for every sending service and/or platform you send mail from – more on that below. 

Bulk sender requirements




Enforcement timeline

Email authentication

Set up SPF and DKIM for each domain that sends mail 

SPF and DKIM are two email security protocols. You will need to define records for each protocol and add them to your DNS or the platform you use that hosts SPF and DKIM for your domain. 

SPF validates the sender’s IP address and DKIM ensures the integrity of the message. Together with the protocol DMARC (another requirement explained further down), these protocols stop your domain from being impersonated. 

Improves email integrity and sender verification. 

Gradual enforcement from Feb 2024 with error codes on non-compliant email traffic.
From April 2024, increased rejection rate for non-compliant email traffic. 

Read more on Google’s enforcement timelines here. It is assumed that Yahoo will align with Google’s decisions.

Send with an aligned `From` domain in either the SPF or DKIM domains

SPF and DKIM alignment ensures that the sender’s domain specified in the “From” address aligns with the domains authorized by SPF records and covered by DKIM signatures, respectively. 

Google and Yahoo will require either SPF or DKIM alignment. Without it, DMARC will not pass. It is therefore essential that at least one of the underlying protocols passes and aligns.

Google/Yahoo will permit relaxed alignment, which means that the domains in either SPF or DKIM can be subdomains of the From domain.

Without having achieved alignment, you are risking your emails ending up in spam rather than in the inbox of the recipient. 

Also, if you achieve alignment across your email-sending services, you will be ready to protect your domain and reach a DMARC policy of reject.

See above

Publish a DMARC policy for each domain that sends mail with at least a policy of “none”

DMARC is another email security protocol. Together with SPF and DKIM, it protects your domain from exact email impersonation. 

You will need to set up a DMARC record in a policy of none. This is the first step in a DMARC project – you should eventually progress to a policy of reject for full protection.

As of Dec 21, 2023, Yahoo has said “including a “rua” tag, which is properly set up to receive reports, is strongly recommended to allow monitoring during initial setup”.

Once a policy of reject has been reached, DMARC helps block exact domain impersonation attacks thus protecting your employees, customers and partners from malicious emails being sent on your behalf.

See above

Ensure that sending domains or IPs have FcrDNS set up

FCrDNS stands for Forward Confirmed Reverse DNS. It is used to show the relationship between an IP address and domain name.

FCrDNS is set up by both the domain and IP owner respectively. If you don’t own the IP address, you may need to contact your hosting service provider or ISP to set up the reverse DNS.

Helps with email deliverability. Without FCrDNS, certain mailbox providers may block or deliver mail to spam.

See above

Use a TLS connection for transmitting email

TLS encrypts the communications between two points (the sender and the recipient) to ensure messages cannot be read in transit. 

Prevents fraudsters from snooping on your emails.

See above

One-click unsubscribe

Enable one-click unsubscribe for recipients of promotional mail

Make it easy for your recipients to opt out of receiving your emails with a one-click unsubscribe link and ensure this is processed within 2 days.

Decreases chances of being marked as spam (and improves chances of landing in the inbox) thus having a positive impact on spam rates – the final Google and Yahoo requirement! 

June 1, 2024 (for more details on specifics, read the Google policy enforcement timeline)

Low spam rates

Keep spam rates under 0.10%

Google and Yahoo recommend keeping spam rates below 0.1%. You should avoid ever reaching 0.3%.

To check your rates, consult Google’s Postmaster Tools or Yahoo’s Complaint Feedback Loop program.

Improves sender reputation and deliverability rates 

Feb 1, 2024

Expand to full size with the blue expand button above the table

Common scenarios that could lead to failure

Here is an illustrative – not exhaustive – list of common scenarios that may lead to bulk senders failing the new Google and Yahoo requirements.

Header components

DMARC policy


SPF alignment


DKIM alignment



DMARC Configuration

Message 1

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @example.com

DKIM: d=example

DMARC: p=reject

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: mta.example.com ->








This is the best practice for bulk senders

Message 2

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @example.com

DKIM: d=example

DMARC: p=none

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: mta.example.com ->







Senders are only required to have a DMARC record, not DMARC enforcement

Message 3

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @example.com

DKIM: d=example

DMARC: no record

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: mta.example.com ->







A DMARC record is required.


Message 4

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @example.comDMARC: p=reject

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: mta.example.com ->







Requires SPF & DKIM

Message 5

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @somethingelse.com

DKIM: d=example

DMARC: p=reject

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: mta.example.com ->



Sending IP not present in SPF record





Requires SPF & DKIM

Message 6

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @somethingelse.com

DMARC: no record

DKIM: d=somethingelse

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: mta.example.com ->







Requires SPF or DKIM alignment. By having neither this message is also not able to have DMARC.


Message 7

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @example.com

DKIM: d=example

DMARC: p=reject

rDNS = no record

A record: mta.example.com ->







The sending IP address does not resolve to a valid hostname.

Message 8

FROM: @example.com

MAILFROM/RP: @example.com

DKIM: d=example

DMARC: p=reject

rDNS = -> mta.example.com

A record: no record







A record does not match the sending IP address.

Help! Where are Google and Yahoo’s requirements configured?

In the table below, we break out which requirements are configured at the email service provider (ESP) level (Hubspot, MailChimp, etc) and/or at the domain level. This will help you figure out where you need to action each requirement. 

It is important to note that if your organization uses multiple ESPs, you will need to configure these items in each platform. The same is true for the use of multiple domains. 


Configured at ESP/Platform level

Configured at DNS

Implementation of both SPF and DKIM

Sending with an aligned `From` domain in either the SPF or DKIM domains

Sending from a domain with a DMARC policy of at least p=none  (including a RUA tag, as recommended by Yahoo*)

Using a TLS connection for transmitting email

Valid forward and reverse DNS (FCrDNS)

One-click unsubscribe (RFC 8058)

Low spam reported rate


*Though the inclusion of the RUA tag is currently only recommended and not mandated by Yahoo, we strongly agree with their stance. The RUA tag specifies where DMARC aggregate reports should be sent which provide a daily overview of a domain’s email traffic. These reports provide crucial insight into your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication status as well as where your domain is being used, which makes it easy to find mail currently not meeting authentication requirements.

**While a low spam rate is under the control of the sender, the mail originates at the ESP level. If for example, you use Salesforce Marketing Cloud for marketing mail and SendGrid for transactional with Mailgun as a backup, your overall spam complaint rate regardless of the sending platform(s) needs to be below the 0.3% threshold.

Who is impacted by these changes?

As of Jan 3, 2024, Google’s Email Sender Guidelines state that the requirements apply to businesses sending emails to any personal Gmail inbox, so an “account that ends in @gmail.com or @googlemail.com”. They further clarify that “the requirements don’t apply to Google Workspace inbound and intra-domain messages.”

Yahoo’s ruling applies to “all domains and consumer email brands hosted by Yahoo Mail”. 

How Red Sift can help you get ready

If you want an easy way to make sure your email-sending domains are ready come February 1, 2024, Red Sift makes it easy. 

In under a minute, our free Investigate tool checks how you stack up against Google and Yahoo’s requirements and provides a visual breakdown of exactly what you need to action. 
