2024 guide to mastering Google and Yahoo’s bulk email sender requirements
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Microsoft set to join Google and Yahoo in adopting bulk sender standards

Although a date is not yet known, Microsoft is set to support the same standards as Google and Yahoo

In early June 2024, experts from Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Twilio, and Valimail came together to discuss the evolving email landscape since the introduction of bulk sender requirements in October 2023. The webinar, titled “Insider Insights: Mastering New Email Authentication Standards,” is available here.

Ross Adams, Principal PM Architect at Microsoft, expressed strong support for Google and Yahoo's trailblazing initiative. He stated, "You can expect - at some point in the future - Microsoft to adopt very similar standards.”

Adams further elaborated that Microsoft plans to "start with consumer mail flows and then move on to enterprise mail flows... but both will ultimately be subject to enforcement."

This announcement underscores the collaborative effort of major email providers to enhance global inbox security.

Bookmark this chapter for updates as soon as Microsoft announces its standards and/or a timeline for implementation!

“Providing clean inboxes, protecting customers' brands, and giving users a choice will help us drive better features and allow us to get better rates."

Ross Adams, Principal PM Architect at Microsoft
