2024 guide to mastering Google and Yahoo’s bulk email sender requirements
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In response to the ever-evolving challenges posed by spam, phishing, and email-based fraud, email service giants Google and Yahoo are set to implement significant changes for bulk senders (businesses that send 5,000+ emails a day) from February 1, 2024. 

These requirements will go into effect February 1, 2024, and feature many new mandates which can broadly be grouped into three categories: 

  • Authenticate your domain. Protect recipients from malicious messages and protect your organization from being impersonated.
  • Make it easy to stop receiving email. Give recipients an easy way to unsubscribe from your messages.
  • Don’t spam. Send messages people want to receive and only send them to people who signed up to get messages from you.

The driving force behind these new policies is a collective commitment to make inboxes safer and less spammy. Through their united stance, Google and Yahoo are signaling that email security is no longer a nice to have. And so, for bulk senders who rely on business email communications and can’t afford to have their deliverability severely impacted, the email security standards once deemed best practice will soon become a mandated reality. Those who fail to meet these requirements will see Google and Yahoo limiting sending rates or marking legitimate messages as spam.

Whether you’re a marketer, an IT professional, or a small business owner who sends more than or around 5,000 emails a day to Gmail and/or Yahoo inboxes, this guide will help you understand the requirements, their benefits, and how to prepare for them. 

Google has now extended its original timeline for enforcement from April to June 2024, giving senders more time to action the requirements and avoid their messages being blocked.
