Consumer interaction with visual brands in email
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Does logo visibility translate into market value?

Red Sift and Entrust have put this report together to highlight the key findings from our research into the impact of a visible logo in an email’s avatar location on open rates, brand recall, and buying behavior. We assessed the impact that logo visibility and the new standard BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) has on consumer interaction and buying behavior, and how this could influence the use and success of verified logos in email going forward.

We hope you find it both interesting and useful!

Executive Summary

Email recipient interaction increases when the sending organization’s logo appears in the avatar slot, irrespective of brand strength or size.

  1. BIMI increases consumer interaction and companies need to get on board or risk losing market share
  2. Consumers do interact better with emails when they have a visual logo attached, irrespective of brand strength or size
  3. BIMI will encourage businesses to adopt DMARC as the global standard, something we should be doing already as a best practice
  4. The color and style of a logo does impact brand recall and is something retailers may want to consider when implementing BIMI
  5. BIMI serves as a key indicator of authentication enabling consumers to be sure that an email has come from a legitimate source (using DMARC)
  6. BIMI boosts market value as every percentage of opens and purchases a logo generates translates into revenue
  7. Logo visibility in email has the greatest impact on the younger generations, suggesting this technology-first demographic is more expectant of standards like BIMI for the future

User testing overview

We surveyed 1,026 participants across the US and UK to assess the impact that logo visibility has on email open rates, brand recall, and buying behavior.

We baselined responses to test emails across participants, covering transactional and promotional emails along with brand recall. We then compared the baseline to responses to the same emails with the inclusion of logos using BIMI.

  • 626 UK participants
  • 400 US participants
  • Grouped: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+

We assessed the impact logo visibility (enabled by BIMI) had on:

  • Transactional email
  • Promotional email
  • Open rates
  • Brand recall
  • Buying choices

We also assessed participant awareness of BIMI.
