OnDMARC’s Slack Bot helps DST Controls make ongoing email protection easy

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Meet the company

DST Controls has manufactured control system panels and OEM sub-systems for industrial customers since 1975. With their engineers often needing remote access to sensitive customer information, cybersecurity is paramount to protect this information and keep it confidential.

Maintaining existing email sending services

When the IT team discovered email deliverability issues one day they were puzzled as they had already configured their domain into a DMARC reject policy. Usually, this boosts email deliverability as DMARC blocks email impersonation, repeatedly reinforcing to receiving inboxes that your message is genuine. This prompted Andrew Pong, Senior ICS Solutions Architect to find a solution that would give them visibility into the root cause of such unexpected changes, as well as guidance on how to resolve it.

High-level security without the high-level price

As a small, growing business with big customers, a key criterion for a suitable DMARC provider was high-level security without the high-level price tag. Additionally, as a small team, they must ensure email security processes run efficiently and attention is only given where necessary. Here’s how OnDMARC met their needs:

  1. Offline alerts

    Compliance reports via Slack meant Senior Solutions Architect Andrew Pong could be confident in ongoing protection. In his own words, “Instead of flooding me with noise, it tells me clearly if there’s a problem and how to address it. This saves me having to remember to log in and check”.

  2. Authorizing services

    OnDMARC’s reporting meant the IT team knew exactly what the 192 unauthorized sending services using the company domain were. All of these emails were blocked from being delivered, protecting the business’ reputation, customers and partners.

  3. Supporting SAML

    SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is a Single Sign On standard available with OnDMARC. Senior Solutions Architect, Andrew Pong, found onboarding “pretty quick” when getting set up.