2024 guide to mastering Google and Yahoo’s bulk email sender requirements
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Google's new temporary error codes

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) error codes are three-digit codes that are returned by mail servers to indicate the status of an email delivery attempt. These codes help in diagnosing email delivery issues by providing information about why a message was not delivered successfully.

If you’re not yet meeting the new bulk sender requirements, chances are you will have seen error codes and may be wondering what they mean. These error codes signal that your unauthenticated mail has been temporarily rejected and help you identify and remediate domain-related issues.

As of early May 2024, Google has updated its error codes to include the following:

Error code 4.7.23

ip-address The sending IP address for this message doesn’t have a PTR record, or the PTR record’s forward DNS entry doesn’t match the sending IP address. To protect users from spam, your email has been temporarily rate limited.

Error code 4.7.27

Your email has been rate limited because SPF authentication didn't pass for this message. Gmail requires all bulk email senders to authenticate their email with SPF. Authentication results: SPF domain-name with IP address: ip-address = Did not pass.

Error code 4.7.29

Your email has been rate limited because this message wasn’t sent over a TLS connection. Gmail requires all bulk email senders to use TLS/SSL for SMTP connections.

Error code 4.7.30

Your email has been rate limited because DKIM authentication didn't pass for this message. Gmail requires all email bulk senders to authenticate their email with DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = Did not pass.

Error code 4.7.31

Your email has been rate limited because the sending domain doesn’t have a DMARC record, or the DMARC record doesn’t specify a DMARC policy. Gmail requires all bulk email senders to add a DMARC record to their sending domain.


Your email has been rate limited because the From: header (RFC5322) in this message isn’t aligned with either the authenticated SPF or DKIM organizational domain.

If you are seeing these messages, we recommend you look into remediating these errors as soon as possible to avoid your mail being blocked when requirements are enforced in June.

How Red Sift can help you get ready

If you want an easy way to make sure your email-sending domains are ready come February 1, 2024, Red Sift makes it easy. 

In under a minute, our free Investigate tool checks how you stack up against Google and Yahoo’s requirements and provides a visual breakdown of exactly what you need to action.